Monday, April 13, 2015

April Showers bring....

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We are coming down the home stretch of another amazing year.  I tested some of our kids to see how much they learned over the past year... and they are learning in abundance!  I am extremely proud of the level at which our kiddos work.  They have done well encountering the number of strategies we pursued this year with common core, technology, and real world application.. Going deeper with common core and allowing them to apply real life situations keeps them engaged and eager to learn more.  
We have created a legion of new writers in 3rd and 4th grade language arts.  Many of them can cite evidence like nobody's business.  We had a great deal of fun with our perimeter/area project in 3rd grade math and the 4th graders love electricity, they cannot get enough of science.  Overall, I can honestly say we are stronger students and teachers  for the work we have completed this year.  We are striving to make Conesville Elementary a better place... if that is possible;-)  
Some things I am looking forward to as we end the year...
just to name a few..
I pray everyone enjoys the next month of school and genuinely gives their all.  Nothing hurts my feelings more than a child who doesn't show me what they truly know.  I wish we didn't have to call them a test or assessment, we could call them a 'show what you know!!'  I tease my students about this constantly.  I tell them, "this determines what we have taught you throughout the year. You do not get a grade, it is a show what you know kind of thing... and if you show enough growth, I will give you some candy!"  
Candy... it is a great bargaining tool!
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Being serious.. I am excited about the next few weeks and look forward to having another year in the books!
Happy April!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Wesney, Thanks for sharing some of those success with me recently. So blessed to have you with our students here at Conesville!
