Friday, February 8, 2013

Learning Everyday!

Even with all the snow, we have really been able to get a lot accomplished.  Our 3rd graders are working on main idea and details.  We have also practiced a lot on homophones, words that sound the same.  In math, 3rd graders are doing geometry and also working on those multiplication facts everyday... I tell them we are math-magicians.
In 4th grade we are working on main idea and details as well.  We also started book clubs, which I think I love just as much as the kids do.  We will be doing a book creator project with Mrs. Ireland next week.  In math, we took our division test.  The kids have had a lot of fun with division: our songs, dancing and games.
They will definitely use all of these skills in the real world so just keep practicing them at home!
Have a great weekend!