Tuesday, March 17, 2015

PD: Google Tools for Special Needs

I was quite impressed by a recent webinar presented by Eric Curts.  When I received the email to view, I signed up but was unable to sit through the hour when it was scheduled.  Lucky for me, they sent another email allowing me to visit the link whenever I wanted.  I found some time on my lunch break and after school to check it out.... I am so glad I did!  It gave a lot of information about what is available for kids with special needs and how to utilize those services.  I am always excited when I am given application advice.  I can search and find the latest and greatest but not always how we can implement in the classroom.  Some of my favorite apps or add- ons they talked about were Speakit, Clearly, Beeline Reader, Magic Scroll, AT Bar, TLDR, Pupil Pref, and Picto4Me.  Click Here for the entire list and links to view each one.  I highly recommend viewing the webinar and checking out any other information at this site .  Everything just seems so user friendly and well explained.  Thank you to Eric and his team for doing a fine job of keeping us on top of the technology spectrum!
Image result for technology and children

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