I try to blog at least once each month about the happenings of what is going on in my school life or trending in the world of education. I am not usually strongly opinionated or controversial, just putting stuff out there.. My goal this year is to blog at least once each week- maybe even sneak in a video now and again of what I am doing or what works. Every year when I start school, I have lofty ideas that slip off to the side because I just don't have time to do the extra stuff. This year I HAVE to make the time. I really want to make a difference in the lives of the children I come in contact with and share the awesomeness with other educators around me. We have so many good things happening at Conesville ES. However, I am particularly excited about one adventure as a parent. Last year my son really struggled in the mainstream setting. He is labeled gifted but experiences difficulty with staying on task, fidgeting, and disruptive/frustration behaviors- I like to call this twice exceptional. He will be taking on the task of an independent study. This incorporates our gifted coordinator setting him up with online classes, our gifted teacher providing some project based learning support, a reading specialist/former high school social studies teacher putting together some ideas to meet the indicators, and a principal who supports outside the box thinking. These professionals are going above and beyond to challenge my son. They want to ensure he is engaged to the maximum and still receives a quality, public education. This is the whole personalized learning situation where a child needs something and we provide. It is that time again. We will give your children the best education possible and at their level. Conesville is an amazing place to see innovative thinking develop and take shape. I am proud to work in this environment and have my children attend this building.
It is going to be a smashing year!

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