Monday, December 12, 2016

Tis the Season...

Image result for snowflakes falling gif

I have really been slacking lately. My goal is to do at least a monthly blog, which hasn't been happening. TBH I would love to do a weekly video blog, I just never have the time or make the time to do it. Isn't that the way life goes, we have the best intentions... and then BAM! Life happens and we let a lot of stuff just get away from us.
For me, my focus right now is hope. It is important during this time of year. We think we need to get this or that to make others happy... in reality the best gifts we can give are hope and love. Wow! I know, right? In addition, some amazing elements about these gifts are they are always available and do not cost a thing. It can be the most important item we give one another. 

So while making out your list and checking it twice don't forget to incorporate these features into the season... 
  1. A smile- It goes a long way. This gift can brighten anyone's day, regardless of previous circumstances.
  2. Hope- It's contagious, you give a little and someone else can pass it on as well.
  3. Love- We can all use a kind gesture. It just gives a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Now, I would give my loved ones and kids at school the world, but on a teacher's budget that just isn't possible. However, I can give these 3 gifts and still have some to spare, and knowing they are being passed along to others as well....

And isn't that really what this time of year is about..

Image result for christmas hope love