It is that time of year again, and I am utterly amazed how many people can find nothing to be thankful for. Realistically, my list goes on and on because I think about how much I have been blessed with- things I overlook on a daily basis. I am thankful I get to wake up each morning, take a breath, see with my eyes, feel my heart beating, have heat in my house, running water, food to eat, clean clothes- those are just the basics. I am also thankful for my 3 beautiful children, extended family, wonderful co-workers, and friends. I work in an amazing building filled with sweet, big and little faces who desire to make me happy everyday. I live in a country where I am free to do many things that they are not permitted to do in other countries, thanks to the soldiers who risk their lives. So, if you can not find anything to be thankful for, I am more than willing to share with you any of my many thanks. I hope all of our families take the time to enjoy each other this Thanksgiving break and really cherish what this time of year is about.
Happy Thanksgiving~